Google Scholar Profile

Conferences (* indicates equal contribution from the authors)

  • B. Burg* , F. Liu* , A. V. Roque* , S. Srinivasa* , R. March* , “Using AI to Improve the Customer Experience: A Virtual Assistant Chatbot,” in Cable-Tec Expo (SCTE-ISBE’18), (Atlanta, GA), Oct. 2018, [pdf] [slides]
  • S. Srinivasa, G. Kathalagiri, J. S. Varanasi, L. C. Quintela, M. Charafeddine and C.-H. Lee, “On Optimizing Operational Efficiency in Storage Systems Via Deep Reinforcement Learning,” in European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD’18), (Dublin, Ireland), Sep. 2018, [pdf] [slides] [poster]
  • N. Kota* , A. Mishra* , S.Srinivasa* , X. Chen and P. Abbeel., “A K-fold Method for Baseline Estimation in Policy Gradient Algorithms,” in NIPS Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, (Barcelona, Spain), Dec. 2016, [pdf] [slides] [poster]
  • A. Malipatil* , M. Mobin* , A. Nayak* , S. Srinivasa* , and H. Xia, “SerDes Steady State Adaptation Challenges over PVT in Existing SAS/SATA and Emerging PCIe Gen4/SAS4 Application and their Solutions with Real Time Pattern Discriminator Constrained Adaptation,” in DesignCon, (Santa Clara, CA), Jan. 2015. [pdf] [slides]
  • S. Vanka, S. Srinivasa, and M. Haenggi, “A Practical Approach to Strengthen Vulnerable Downlinks using Superposition Coding,” in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’12), (Ottawa, Canada), June 2012. [pdf] [slides]
  • P. Vizi, S. Vanka, S. Srinivasa, M. Haenggi, and Z. Gong, “Scheduling using Superposition Coding: Design and Software Radio Implementation,” in IEEE Radio Wireless Week, (Phoenix, AZ), Jan. 2011. [pdf] [slides]
  • S. Srinivasa and M. Haenggi, “Throughput-Delay-Reliability Tradeoffs in Multihop Networks with Random Access,” in 2010 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, (Monticello, IL), Sept. 2010. [pdf] [slides]
  • S. Srinivasa and M. Haenggi, “The TASEP: A Statistical Mechanics Tool to Study the Performance of Wireless Line Networks,” in 2010 International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (ICCCN’10), (Zurich, Switzerland), Aug. 2010. [pdf] [slides]
  • R. K. Ganti* , Z. Gong* , M. Haenggi* , C.-H. Lee* , S. Srinivasa* , D. Tisza* , S. Vanka* , and P. Vizi* , “Implementation and Experimental Results of Superposition Coding on Software Radio,” in 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’10), (Cape Town, South Africa), May 2010. [pdf] [slides]
  • S. Srinivasa and S. Krishnamurthy, “An Opportunistic Forwarding Protocol for Intermittently Connected Environments,” in IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), (Rome, Italy), June 2009. [pdf] [slides]
  • S. Srinivasa and M. Haenggi, “Path Loss Exponent Estimation in Large Wireless Networks,” in 2009 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA’09), (San Diego, CA), Feb. 2009. [pdf] [slides]
  • S. Srinivasa and M. Haenggi, “Modeling Interference in Finite Uniformly Random Networks,” in International Workshop on Information Theory for Sensor Networks (WITS 2007), (Santa Fe, NM), June 2007. [pdf] [slides]
  • S. Srinivasa and M. Haenggi, “Simplified Analysis and Design of MIMO Ad Hoc Networks,” in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM’06), (San Francisco, CA), Nov. 2006. [pdf] [slides]


  • S. Srinivasa and M. Haenggi, “Combining Stochastic Geometry and Statistical Mechanics for the Analysis and Design of Mesh Networks,” Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 13, pp. 110-122, Feb. 2014. [pdf]
  • S. Vanka, S. Srinivasa, Z. Gong, P. Vizi, K. Stamatiou, and M. Haenggi, “Superposition Coding Strategies: Design and Experimental Evaluation,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 11, pp. 2628-2639, July 2012. [pdf] [technical report]
  • S. Srinivasa and M. Haenggi, “A Statistical Mechanics-Based Framework to Analyze Ad Hoc Networks with Random Access,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 11, pp. 618-630, Apr. 2012. (Spotlight Paper) [pdf]
  • S. Srinivasa and M. Haenggi, “Distance Distributions in Finite Uniformly Random Networks: Theory and Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 59, pp. 940-949, Feb. 2010. [pdf]
  • S.Srinivasa and M. Haenggi, “Path Loss Exponent Estimation in a Large Field of Interferers,” in preparation, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. [pdf]


  • S. Srinivasa, “Statistical Mechanics for Wireless Systems: Application of Exclusion Processes to the Modeling and Analysis of Multihop Networks,” Ph.D. Thesis, Sep. 2011. [pdf] [slides]
  • S. Srinivasa, “New Paradigms for the Analysis of Ad Hoc Networks,” Oral Candidacy, Mar. 2009. [pdf] [slides]
  • S. Srinivasa, “On Modeling Interference in Uniformly Random Wireless Networks: Theory and Applications,” M.S. Thesis, Dec. 2007. [pdf] [slides]
  • S. Srinivasa, “Adaptive Equalization for the Downlink of a 3G-WCDMA System,” B.Tech. Thesis, May 2004. [pdf] [slides]


  • S. Srinivasa, “Generative Models,” 2017. [slides]
  • S. Srinivasa, “Deep Networks-based Video Classification Methods: An Overview,” Feb. 2016. [slides]
  • S. Srinivasa, “Acing Blackjack: A Monte Carlo Approach,” 2015. [slides]
  • S. Srinivasa, “Statistical Mechanics of CSMA Networks,” 2011. [pdf]
  • S. Srinivasa and M. Haenggi, “Throughput-Delay-Reliability Tradeoffs in Multihop Networks with Random Access,” IT-MANET Workshop, (Stanford University, CA), 2011. [poster]
  • S. Srinivasa and M. Haenggi, “Delay and Throughput Correlations in Ad Hoc Networks,” IT-MANET Workshop, (Austin, TX), 2010. [poster]
  • R. K. Ganti* , Z. Gong* , M. Haenggi* , C.-H. Lee* , S. Srinivasa* , D. Tisza* , S. Vanka* , and P. Vizi* , “Implementation and Experimental Results of Superposition Coding on Software Radio,” RF Alliance Conference, (Purdue University, IN), 2010. (Third place in poster presentation) [poster]
  • S. Srinivasa and S. Krishnamurthy, “OFFICE: An Opportunistic Forwarding Protocol For Intermittently Connected Environments,” 2009. [pdf]
  • S. Srinivasa and M. Haenggi, “Combining Stochastic Geometry and Statistical Mechanics for the Analysis and Design of MANETs,” IT-MANET Workshop, (Boston, MA), 2009. [poster]
  • S. Srinivasa, “Path Loss Exponent Estimation in a Large Field of Interferers,” IT School, (Northwestern University, IL), 2009. [poster]
  • S. Srinivasa and M. Haenggi, “The TASEP Applied to the Throughput and Delay Analysis of Line Networks,” IT-MANET Workshop, (Boston, MA), 2007. [poster]
  • S. Srinivasa, “Broadcast Channels,” 2007. [pdf]
  • S. Srinivasa, “A Review on Multivariate Mutual Information,” 2006. [pdf]
  • S. Srinivasa, “Voice Activity Detection in the presence of Non-stationary Background Noise[pdf] [slides]